The TIP150, TIP151, TIP152 series are high voltage, high current Darlington transistors which can be used for applications involving voltages at mains 120V or 220V levels. The datasheet and other related details can be read in the following article.
The typical applications of this transistor could be for high voltage motor control, automotive ignition, inverter converter switching, SMPS and in many other similar areas.
Main Specifications
The main datasheet, specifications and features are as follows:
Collector to Emitter Continuous Voltage:
VCEO(sustained) = 300V minimum for (TIP150)
VCEO(sustained) = 350V minimum for (TIP151)
VCEO(sustained) = 400V minimum for (TIP152)
Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = 2V maximum at I current of 5A
The maximum current for the above voltages is 7 amps (continuous) and 10 amps for instantaneous peaks.
The base/emitter saturation voltage for TIP150, 151, 152 is 1.5V at 100mA for a typical 2 amp collector load, while it could be around 250mA at 2.3V for a 5amp collector load.

Pinout Details
In the shown image above the pinouts of the transistor can be identified as follows:
The center lead is the collector, it's connected with the metal tab of the device therefore the back steel tab also becomes the collector.
The right side lead is the emitter.
The left side lead is the base of the transistor.

Internal schematic of the transistor TIP150/TIP151/TIP152
The above figure shows the internal Darlington structure of the transistor. A typical paired transistors could be seen here which forms the Darlington configuration.
This configuration helps to provide the device with extremely high gain and sensitivity even at the specified high power inputs.