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How to Kill Coronavirus with Ozone Gas Generator

In this post I have explained the basic construction of an ozone generator apparatus for disinfecting a closed premise from dangerous viruses such as coronavirus. Ozone is a tested and an officially recommended method of eliminating viruses and pathogens on outside surfaces.

coronavirus real image

Viruses Cannot be Killed with Medicines

The fact that makes a typical influenza virus or SARS a menace worldwide is that it cannot be killed with antibiotics, or any form of medicine. This is because viruses use the host's cells to replicate, which makes it almost impossible for the drug to distinguish the host cell from the virus. Due to this reason it becomes really hard for the medicine to target the virus without interfering with the host cell.

Also, drugs are unable to "kill" viruses simply because viruses are not living organisms, rather are complex bio-molecules, which stay inactive outside a living cell, and become active only once they enter a living cell.

The only way these may be eliminated is by natural means, such as by having a strong immune system, having plenty of rest, lots of fluid intake, and a pollution free resting place, possibly enhanced with oxygen supply.

What is Novel Coronavirus

The pandemic novel coronavirus, first detected in China (year 2019) is a type of virus that has proven to be even more resilient and dangerous than its earlier cousin, the SARS virus.

The World Health Organization was quick to declare the illness as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The disease caused by this new virus was named as COVID-19 (coronavirus disease -2019), and the virus was named as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2).

Novel Coronavirus Structure

As shown in the figure below, the SARS-CoV-2 molecules are roundish in shape and consist of proteins called spikes poking out from the body surface.

These spikes are used for hooking onto human cells, then undergo a structural transformation.

The process allows the membrane of the virus to merge with the host cell membrane.

Next, the virus releases its genes into the host cell so that it can duplicate it self, producing more viruses.

A detailed analysis of the internal structure of SARS-CoV-2 is given in the following data.

coronavirus internal structure

Nucleocapsid Protein (N): This section is attached with the RNA genome to constitute the nucleocapsid.

Spike Protein (S): It plays a vital role in binding with the host receptor cells to help easy entry into the host cell.

Envelope Protein (E): It works together with Membrane Protein to create the viral envelope.

Membrane Protein (M): It works as the main organizer of the CoV body, and also defines the structure of the viral envelope.

How Long can Novel Coronavirus Survive Outside a Living Cell?

It is still not confirmed for how long a SARS or a Coronavirus is able to survive over non-living surfaces. Researches have shown that an influenza virus is able to survive on an outside surface or outside a living cell for around 5 to 8 hours, under normal temperatures and environmental conditions. If an ordinary influenza virus can sustain for 5 hours then possibly the SARS-CoV-2 being more resilient should be able to sustain even longer.

Can Sunlight "Kill" Novel Coronavirus?

The bad news is, the SARS-CoV-2 will not die even under peak sunlight, unless the temperature is over 50 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, the UV rays from the sun is too weak to cause any harm to the coronavirus protein structure.

So sunlight cannot be considered as an effective source for killing coronavirus, but accumulated heat from sunlight, mainly in tropical countries might eventually eliminate these viruses, due to heated surfaces like roads, bridges, railings, vehicles etc.

sun rays cannot kill coronavirus

Must Read: How to Make DIY Ultraviolet Generator Box, for Disinfecting Suspicious Objects

Can Ozone Gas "Kill" Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2?

Yes, ozone gas can be effectively used for destroying coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, or any other virus.

The high oxidizing property of ozone gas can react with the external protein layer of novel coronavirus and rupture it, eventually causing an inactivation of the pathogen.

But, ozone gas can also damage human cells, especially the respiratory cells if the gas is inhaled, leading to cancer. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out without human presence in the chamber or the premise which is to be sanitized using ozone.

Ozone gas has the power to rupture the coronavirus protein layer, disintegrate it, and eventually destroy it.

What is Ozone

Ozone is an inorganic molecule with a chemical formula O3 hence is also called trioxygen. In nature ozone is usually produced through thunder lightening, due to corona discharge, and through UV rays.

Artificially, ozone can be manufactured through electric arcs or corona discharge set ups.

Both the above sets ups involve the generation of extremely high voltages which is able to break the air resistance and interact with the surrounding dry oxygen in the air.

Ozone from Corona Discharge

Corona discharge is emitted when a conductor open on one end, is subjected with an extremely high voltage in the order of many 10s of thousand of volts on its other end. This results in the conductor leaking the high voltage from its surface, which can be seen in the form of a faint purple light around the conductor in darkness. This light effect is called the corona discharge.

The interaction of this leaking high voltage with the oxygen molecules O2 causes the oxygen molecules to split into two oxygen atoms 2O, which reunite back with the neighboring oxygen molecules in triplets to form ozone O3 .

Ozone from Tesla Coil

A Tesla coil is a very popular high voltage generator circuit which is used for displaying bright purple flying electricity discharges from a coiled conductor terminal. Although it is fun project for creating ornamental lighting effect, the corona discharge ultimately results in the production of ozone which could be used for sterilizing a location from corona virus.

A simple Tesla coil circuit is shown below for experimental purpose, although the ozone generated from this set up will be too small.

tesla coil

Once powered, the top open terminal of the 200 turn coil will begin emitting corona discharge, and this may also initiate the generation of ozone. To use this set up for killing coronavirus, operate the unit inside a locked premise with doors and windows closed. Make sure there are no living creatures inside the room. The Tesla coil circuit should be controlled with a timer so that it is automatically switched OFF after a a couple of hours. This timer must be accompanied with an exhaust fan so that once the ozone generation stops, the exhaust fan is switched ON to suck out the harmful ozone from the room. After about about 30 minutes from the elapsed time, it may be safe to enter the room, which now may be considered disinfected.

Ozone from High Voltage Arc

An electrical arc is formed when a high voltage source is brought near a neutral or grounded terminal. Due to the high voltage, the electrical charge is able to jump across the air gap to produce an electrical arc or spark.

This high voltage electricity breaks the air particles around the arc by the process of ionization which results in the generation of ozone.

In air, oxygen is in the form of dioxygen molecules O2. When a high voltage electrical arc comes in contact with O2, it cleaves the molecule into two to create two separate oxygen atoms 2O. These free 2O oxygen radicals disperse around and recombine with other dioxygen molecules to produce O3 which is ozone gas.

The reaction can be interpreted with the following chemical formula:

3O2 ➝ 2O3

A simple high volatge arc generator can be built using a CDI ignition coil set up as shown below:

Using Automobile Ignition Coil for Generating Electrical Arc

output 1q6LpY 3

For generating rapid and high concentration of ozone, the following high voltage arc generator can be used, which is built using a standard automobile ignition coil and a CDI circuit:

arc generators

The set up looks simple, and just needs to be connected as per the given schematic for getting the proposed high voltage arcing and ozone generation.

You will require the following parts for the construction:

Adjusting the 100 k pot will allow the spark to be slower or faster, and also stronger or weaker.

The sparks generated from this circuit will generate high amounts ozone for disinfecting any standard room from coronavirus. However, make sure the gas is not inhaled by any living creature. Also, the voltage generated from this apparatus can be up to 30 kv, and therefore can kill a human within seconds, so please proceed with caution.

Again, use of a timer is recommended for automatically switching OFF the system, and switching an exhaust fan.


Ozone generators can generate ozone from surrounding atmosphere and are often applied as room disinfectants.

The antipathogenic reactions of ozone have already been confirmed since many decades. Its eradicating actions on bacteria, viruses, fungi, and in numerous types of protozoa, are the mains reasons why it's being increasingly employed for sanitizing municipal water supplies in towns globally.

Normally, viruses tend to be tiny, individual contaminants, made with crystals and macromolecules. As opposed to bacteria, these elements can multiply only inside the host cell. Ozone kills viruses by diffusing through their outer layers of protein into the central nucleic acid, causing instant destruction of the viral RNA. At increased levels, ozone ruins the capsid or exterior protein covering through oxidation.

The majority of analysis on ozone's virucidal benefits have focused on ozone's predisposition to bust apart lipid molecules at areas of multiple bond construction. This implies that, when the lipid package of the coronavirus is broken, it may become impossible for the DNA or RNA of the virus to survive any longer.

WARNING: All the concepts explained above have dangerous and life threatening consequences if not used correctly or with due precautions. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage to life, property, health, or whatsoever, in regard to the construction and usage of the above explained theories.

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