Video Demonstration of the Crescendo Amplifier
The mini crescendo 100 watt transistorized amplifier circuit explained here was built and tested by me and am extremely pleased by its performance and also its ruggedness as far as maintenance and handling is concerned.
Amplifier Class
Basically, the entire configuration is a symmetrical class A amplifier incorporating an input filter stage, an intermediate driver stage and a powerful symmetrical output stage consisting of the versatile 2N3055 power transistors.
The circuit efficiently drives a 100 watt 4 Ohms speaker with inputs derived from any audio source like a cell phone or DVD player etc.
Before you learn how to build this interesting and useful 100 watt amplifier circuit using 2N3055 transistors, a prior understanding of the involved circuit configuration would be very handy, let’s begin the explanation with the following points:
Circuit Operation
A quick glance at the given circuit diagram makes us conclude that the output configuration is not symmetrical, since the transistors T15 and T16 are both NPN types.
The input stage of the circuit begins or initiates with a symmetrical differential preamplifier stage consisting of the transistors T1, T2 and T3, T4.
T5 and T6 are positioned as the current sources which are further extended as the driver stage consisting of the transistors T7 and T8.
However a closer inspection tells us that of course the wiring is symmetrical, having the transistors T11, T13, T15 at the upper section acting like special booster transistor package.
Similarly the lower section also employs identical super booster stage consisting of the transistors T12, T14 and T16.
The above two sections are perfectly complementary to each other, with reference to the diagram which indicates their emitters being terminated to a common point through the resistors R25 to R27 and via R28 to R30, this effectively that the wiring is exclusively symmetrical by nature.
The output stage is able to produce a massive 200,000 times amplification factor with comparatively very low quiescent current drain.
The quiescent can be set by the adjusting the preset P1.
Due to a non critical nature of the circuit, the entire project can be easily built over a general purpose PCB, however the layout of the components or rather the placement and the ratio of the distance of the components must be kept as identical as possible to the layout of the circuit diagram.
Though a common heatsink may be used for the entire set of the output devices, I personally used separate individual heatsinks for each of the transistors.
This saved me from the headache of using the cumbersome and low efficient mica isolation kit between the transistors.
The inductor is kept for improving the dynamic nature of the circuit. It is built by winding 20 turns of super enameled copper wire over the 1 Ohms resistor itself.
The wire is selected to be close to 1mm in thickness.
Though not absolutely necessary, for better thermal stability the transistors T9 and T11 and also T10 and T12 should be glued together, preferably by attaching the respective pairs face to face.
The quiescent current should be ideally set to 50 mA through the following initial procedure:
How to Set Quiescent Current
1) Remove the speakers, and short the input terminals (across R1),
2) Connect a DMM set at current range in series with the positive of the power supply to the circuit,
3) Next adjust the preset such that the meter reads an input of 50mA, that’s all, the amplifier’s quiescent current is set and now the connections may be restored for the normal operations of the system.
Power Supply Circuit
The power supply circuit is also shown along side and as can be seen there’s nothing special about it and may be built using the shown ordinary sets of components.
Parts List of 100 watt amplifier circuit (sh0wn below)
- R1 = 430 K,
- R2 = 47K,
- R3 = 330 Ohms,
- R4, R5 = 12 K ,
- R6, R7, R20, R21, R22, R23, R24 = 1 Ohm, 3 Watt, Wire Wound Type,
- R8, R17 = 68 Ohms,
- R9 = 100 K, R10, R11, R12, R13 = 5K6,
- R14, R15 = 12 K,
- R16, R19 = 100 Ohms,
- R25 = 10 Ohms / 2 Watts,
- P1 = 100 Ohms Preset, Linear,
- C1 = 1 µF / 25V,
- C2 = 1 n, CERAMIC,
- C3, C4 = 100PfC5 = 100 nF,
- C6, C7 = 1000 uF / 35 V,
- L1 = 20 turns of enameled 1mm copper wire over R24,
- D1, D2 = RED LED 5mm, All other diodes are = 1N4148,
- T1 = Matching BC546 pair,
- T2 = Matching BC556 pair,
- T3 = BC 557B,
- T4, T7, T8 = BC 547B,
- T5, T12 = BC 556B,
- T6, T9 = BC 546B,
- T10 = BD 140,
- T13 = BD 139,
- T11, T14 = 2N 3055
- General Purpose PCB,
- All the transistors T10, T13, T11 and T14 ae mounted on suitable heatsinks
The original design, (courtesy - elektor electronics)
The MOSFET version of the above design can be witnessed in the below given image:
For the complete construction details, please refer to the following link:
Mini Crescendo pdf with PCB and protection circuits
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Hi Sir ,
Sir I have to design an Amplifier can you help me regarding this ,
I have to design an Amplifier for a function generator , range 0hz to 15/20MHz (easier to setup)
2 amp max
120 volt max with
Hi Muzammil, you can use the MJE15030 transistor to amplify the signals.
Olá amigo, estou fazendo a placa de circuito impresso e logo começarei os testes
Sure Marcos, you can build the PCB and test the circuit.
Dear sir please can I add more 2N3055 output transistors for more output power ? I need strong bass even in a low volume is this possible to add thanks so much
Hi Rabiu, I don’t think that is possible, you can’t use more number of 2N3055s to increase power in this circuit.
For powerful bass you can try adding the following circuits:
Hi, Swagatam,
Could you please send me the PCB. It will be of real help. Thanks
Hi Partha, you can get all the details along with the complete PCB design under this link:
Pls give me 6 pair 2n3055transister amplifier circuit diagram and pcb pdf and transformer voltage and amp.
What are the values for R26, R27 and R28? They seem to be added in the schematic later.
Is the schematic at the latest version?
All the schematics are correct and working.
Those resistors are 1 Ohm 1 watt
Dear sir is this suitable for public address loudspeakers? if yes which circuit should i make?
Jayanath, it is suitable, but megaphones do not require H-Fi circuitry therefore can be built with cheaper designs….the above design can be quite expensive for a crude PA audio system
Hello Swagatam. While I was considering to construct the mini crescendo original ckt design as published by Elektor Electronics in its Elektor India august 1991 issue titled as “40 watt main amplifier”, I luckily came across your this tutorial where this original ckt have been reproduced. I noticed that to improve the performance you have made some modifications to the original ckt at the input RC network, replacement of zener diodes with LEDs in the constant current circuitry and feedback components. It is evident that you have tried/ tested the original as well as the modified ckt and noticed the improvement in performance parameters. I would like to know to what extent the improvement in terms of frequency response, harmonics distortion, output power, input sensitivity(mV) for rated output(improved, if any). This will help me to decide which ckt I should go for i.e. original or modified. I also noted that the modified ckt uses the same power supply as that of the original ckt. Further, I am sure that you might be having performance parameters as mentioned in the original ckt article published in elector magazine. Still for my satisfaction I am mentioning some of these as below:
i) Output power 40 Watt into 8 ohm, 60 watt into 4 ohm for a distortion not greater than 0.01% over frequency range 20Hz – 20kHz.
ii) Max power at onset of clipping is 45 watt into 8 ohms and 65 Watt into 4 ohm load.
iii) Input sensitivity 800(850) mV for 40(45) watt and 700(750) mV for 60(65) watt into 4 ohm load.
iv) Frequency response 15Hz – 100kHz within 1 db.
Therefore, I would like to know about improvement with respect to above mentioned parameters.
Further, can we expect some further improvement by replacing the 2N3055 connected to -Ve supply rail with MJ2955 PNP transistor ofcourse along with corresponding changes in biasing network to make it fully symmetrical with the upper half ckt around driver and 2N3055 power transistors connected with +Ve supply rail.
Waiting for early response from Swagatam. Thanking you in advance.
Sarbjit Mal
Hello Sarbjit, All the circuits presented in the above article were taken from Elektor electronics magazine, none of them are mine or modified by me.
Since these are from the elektor magazine all are perfectly tested and working designs.
The last design is an upgraded version of the first designs and is rated to work from 250 watts to 300 watts.
I have little idea whether these circuits can be modified using pnp transistors or not, I recommend not to do it since the original designs are well optimized for best performance.
Could you please leave your suggestions for the following:
I have made 100 + 100 Watt amp using 35-0-(-)35 V Dc.
Can I drop the DC voltage from 35 V Dc to 12 V DC.
And this circuit will work in 35 Watts power in good condition.
Hi Nagarajan, you can do that! It will work as suggested by you!
Thanks for such a perfect tutorial….. I made with your guidance of this post…. Here is the video link for my working amplifier….
Please send me the PCB diagram. My email
Thanks. Damir Popovich
I built this circuit (in the end) by making the PCB with DipTrace (Used LEDs instead of Zeners). Its working marvelously with Technics Speaker Boxes (as my Technics SU V303 was condemned) Swagatham Sir…. Thank you very much for publishing such a great circuit.
That’s amazing Siva, could you please send a small video clip of your work to my email? I can compensate Rs.200/- for it….
if only it is possible… not a force…keep up the good work!
Please send your email. I have made a video and send you the same.
Siva, you can send it to
I have sent the video to the above email.
Hi Siva, I’ll check it soon and let you know!
This could not work with the schematic with that black bg as is. Like I said. Just take a look at T14 for example, B-E junction? Can’t anyone see anything fishy there?
It’s probably a drawing mistake from me, I have corrected it now, two of them will be 680 ohms and the other one 100 ohms
the copied schematic on the black bg is wrong. don’t use as is
no pcb layout?
PCB is not strictly necessary if the assembler knows how to solder components on a veroboard. The first design is also correct, it just has a slightly different configuration compared to the last one. All these designs were tested by elektor electronic engineers.
The last design was built by me on a large veroboard and it worked at the first instant.
elektor’s crescendo was a mosfet amp, not a bjt based one.
and this amp is about 50w (on 8 ohms) not 100w, unless it’s on 4 ohms, and then not enough outputs are there and it will eventually blow if pushed a little too much.
one pair of 3055s on a complex 4 ohms load is asking for trouble.
pushing the rails above 35V is also pushing the limits as well, unless the 3055s are the most recent made, then they may stand up to some more Vce, but it would be wise to test them for secondary breakdown before using them on rails above 35V
Hi Lancy, will you please send me those PCB designs? My email is .Thank you.
Hello. I am trying to simulate this circuit on microcap and it seems nothing is working. Output is just some nonsense, I think I’m making a mistake that I cant figure out by myself. It really bothers me, Also tried it on Altium. If anybody could help me with that I would be really grateful.
Just write my an email if you decide to help.
Hello, please try the one which is shown at the end of the post…the design has been practically tested with awesome results.
fine circuit. can u send pcb diagram .thank u
thanks, If possible I’ll try to upload them soon…
thank u swag.i am very u very much interested of the nice circuit.can u explain why u have included two stage of differential pre amplifying with 547 etc .will one stage pre amplification not it be sufficient adding more stages complicates the circuit .will u give some explanatory note of significance of different pre amplifier transistor ,thus it will provide full understanding of amp circuit working.
thanks Jegadeesan, however I will not be able to explain the details in-depth because amplifiers are difficult to simulate in mind.
Basically the T5/T6 section becomes the constant current source along T1/T2 which supplies the required power to the driver stage T7—T10, while the remaining stage comprising of T11–T15 forms the power amplifier output stage….:)
Can u send the soft copy to my mail id pls
Can this circuit can be inserted with a USB slot?
if the USB slot is able to produce the required minimum level of soundsignal input then the amplifier will work with this input source
Hello Swagatam, i love to try this amp out because i have four 2N3055 just laying around doing nothing(: but sadly this transistors "BC546, BC556, BC557B, BC547B, BC556B, BC546B" are no where to be found on Indian e-commerce sites, so can you please give me an equivalent replacement for the transistors.
Thank you.
Hi Lima, The BC546, BC556, BC557B, BC547B, BC556B, BC546B transistors are one one of the common types of transistors that one can find in any market….it's surprising that you could not find them anywhere….in my place these can be procured in bulk.
anyway you can use any 100mA or 200mA rated transistor having a 100V as the max V rating in place of these BJTs.
I don't remember the specification of these transistor.
but the circuit was +22 0 -22 volt dual supply (with 18 0 18 CT 3Amp transformer) Can I use 2N3055-MJ2955 ?
you can try it but 2N3055-MJ2955 look overrated, you can try TIP31/TIP32 instead
I was Constructed a 30W+30W Cassette Deck very long ago, using N055 & P055 Transistor in Golden PCB (Gemini Radio, Chadni Chawk). I get the Circuit diagram from a book of Debashis Bandhopadhyay (ERC publication). Recently all Transistors are burnt out but, I want to repair the Amplifier. I have lost the book. I did not find the Transistor or Circuit Diagram in Gemini Radio. Please give me the circuit diagram of the amplifier of N055-P055. And suggest me where can I find the Transistor or it’s substitute.
Thanks in advance.
Please provide the approximate number of transistors and their sizes (package) used in your design, this will help me to identify a similar kind of circuit for you:
There are total 8 Nos of Transistor in a single side. 3 Nos BC548, 3 Nos SL100/sk100 and Two power transistor one N055 and one P055 (N055 and P055 are like 2N3055 package TO-3)
It would be difficult to find the exact equivalent of your version, nevertheless you can try the following design
you can use only one pair of transistors at the output stage instead of the shown 3 stages.
Can you please suggest me equivalent/ substitute of N055 and P055
please tell me the voltage and current specifications of these transistors, because these are obsolete parts now and no info is present anywhere.
This amplifier is the modified version of the original 40+40w amplifier circuit by MD Hull a pioneer designer for Philips nv Netherlands. The circuit has very good bass and treble at very low volumes. I built this amplifier completely as per instructions ( book was published by Norman Brothers in India) in 1990 and is working perfectly to date. I had used only with modification of bd182 with 2n3055. The bass and treble control and the preamp were build and used as were given in book. The bass is far better than the now days used driver driven subwoofers. I had used 0-54v transformer 3A (guru make), dome tweeters*4 of Philips, mid range of 80w and woofers of 10 inch Bolton make with cross over. This whole audio system cost me around 8230rs in 1990's. But believe me even Bose or marantaz or sonos does not compete with it any way in any frequency levels. The bass and treble is very good.
Thank you for this interesting update!!
Whats the max input(audio) RMS voltage?
you mean minimum, it's 100mV
No, i mean how much is needed to achive the max power
anything between 100mV and 500mV will be enough to get maximum output power
how about these sanjeev…C2073 and A940.
i have question please it can work on 12 v dc ?
Tip 3055.
2N3773 IS better to use
Dear BOB
For driver stage transistors BD139/140 can be replaced by 2SC2073 and 2SA940 but it better to use MJE350 and MJE340
I have made this apm on a protoboard…and for the love of God i cant make it work…the input just gose to the speaker with no amplification and the amp draws 2A, i have used the undmodified circut…i have used bc557c and bc447c insted of the b version, is that a problem?Suplly is +-25V
BC447 is not the problem unles it's faulty…the circuit is huge and the fault could anywhere in the design.
the quiescent current consumption of the circuit without load should be first set to 50mA
this is done by shorting R1/C1 junction of the amp to ground, speaker connections open, ammeter connected in series with the ground line, and P1 adjusted until the meter reads 50mA
i'll try it on a proper PCB, then we'll see if it works..
could you upload the pcb layout o send it to me to
Hi, can you tell me the brand model of this circuit please ? , thank you
Hi, I saw this circuit a long time ago, but didnt had the time to actually do it, my question , is the schematic good ? ( i read here that the 2nd photo has some drawing mistakes ) and whats the name/model of the Amplifier, i heard it's crescendo. I have a couple of 2n3055 made in 88" ( i think they are better then the new ones ) also , its the 2n3772 " better " or at least can be used instead of the 2n3055 in this circuit ?, Thank you, sir !
Hi Bruno, The circuits are perfect! and will work no matter which one you build.
2n3772 is good, and can be used instead of 2N3055
Hi Gautam Kumar Goswami.
Sorry for the delay. PCB softcopy diagrams posted dude. Enjoy.
Lancy Felix.
Please send me the soft copy of the PCB layout to my email:
good evening beautiful project . it would be possible to have the technical data of the amplifier ? is it possible to have the PCB soft at
thanks christian
thanks, you can refer t the following pdf for more details:
Hello sir. I am constructing this amplifier. Please send me the pcb layout at
Hi Lancy Felix, my name is Gautam Kumar Goswami & I am a Hi Fi Buff. I want to build this 2N 3055 based 100W power amp. Kindly send the PCB diagram soft copies to my email id :
Thanking you in advance,
Dear Mr. Swagatam Majumdar, I want to build this amp & for this I need help from you. One is the PCB in soft. Can you please send it to my email id ? I also need a suitable preamp & tone control unit suitable to its specification. My email id is :
Dear Gautam Kumar Goswami, you can find all the details in the following article:
Dear Mr. Majumdar, I requested for the output 2 x 2N3055 based 100W amplifier PCB in soft & its current upto dated circuitry. Please help. My email is : Thanking you in advance,
oh..sorry, it's not available with me at the moment…
Please send me the PCB diagram. My email is :
Is this a 2.1 amplifier? Or just mono?
It's a mono amp…you'll need of these to get a stereo output
I am an audio buff. Can you please send me the soft copy of its pcb to ? Please help.
Please Swagatam Sir, Kindly upload corrected diagram for error free and last long daily use of this project.
Hi Abinash, who said the diagrams were not correct?…both the diagrams are perfect, however the last one has been tested by me…so you can try that.
Thank you Swagatam Sir, for your quick reply. Please give your email id for share some valuable information with picture about this project. I will expect support like that from you in future also.
Abinash, commenting in the my website is the best way to get in touch with me without fail….for image presentation you can submit it to:
admin @
Good Evening Swagatam Sir,
If possible, can you please upload a video in youtube of 2N3055 amplifier you have already made in the year 2000. So we can able to hear sound quality of this Class A amplifier.
Good morning Abinash, sorry that won't be possible because it was built and used by me a long time ago, and was later dismantled for some other purpose
Hi Khushin Makim, please send me the sof copy of 100 2N3055 PCB. My email id :
Thanking you,
Gautam Kumar Goswami
please send me the above pcb diagram at
Hi thanks for the info,actually my aim is to build a HI-FI 5.1 home theater system (100 watts in each channel if possible) with tweeter + mid range speakers in 4 of the channels and the rest would be center and sub.So pls advise me what circuit would be the best for this….thanks in advance.
You can try the following simpler design, it also has been tested by me:
Hi, I would like to know if this circuit is used for creating 5.1 channel amp then how many transformer is needed……in other words how do u power this amp
Hi, you could use the above circuit along with the following one for getting a proper 5.1 implementation
the amp is powered from the shown power supply design and the signal input is acquired from any music system headphone out
good day can i use a 18-0-18v, 6amp transformer for this amplifier, thanks
yes will do…
Can I build this without any printed circuit board? Or is printed circuitry required?
It is suggested to stick to diagram layout yet two pairs of transistors are suggested to be glued together. They are in widely different parts of the diagram. How to do this? 'Fold' the circuitry up? Or have long leads to the transistors, putting them above the rest of the circuitry.
This will be a first project ever for me.
yes you can do it, because I myself built it on a dot matrix PCB and succeeded in the first attempt…refer to the diagram that's given in the bottom of the article, I think the transistor glueing info may not be correct so don't do it, I'll check and update the correct data soon.
OK..the transistor glueing instructions is relevant to the last diagram…I hope you won't have to fold the PCB now:)
okey sir. thanks a lot. ill notify you for an update.