In this post I have explained an LED based intruder position indicator circuit which will indicate the position of the burglar throughout the secured corridor as the person tries to sneak past the area.The idea was requested by Mr. Michael. Circuit Objectives and Requirements Your articles are nice, well done. sir can this, close and […]
Search Results for: 555
10 LED Tachometer Circuit Diagram
In this post I have explained how an accurate 10 LED tachometer circuit can be built using ordinary parts like IC 555 and IC LM3915. The idea was requested by Mr. Munsif. What is a Tachometer A tachometer is a device which is used for measuring vehicle engine RPM. Thus, it is basically used for […]
Material Storage Level Controller Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple material storage level controller circuit which can be used for automatically activating and deactivating a storage filling motor whenever the storage container is filled to its stipulated threshold level. The idea was requested by Mr Sladjan. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I need help with the engine control […]
Illuminated Crosswalk Safety Light Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple illuminated crosswalk safety light circuit for ensuring a safe walking passage for the user amidst heavy traffic. The idea was requested by Mr. John. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I recently came upon your website while researching circuits for a hobby project i’m working on. I certainly admire […]
“WELCOME” LED Display Circuit
In this post I have explained how to make a chasing “WELCOME” display circuit sign board, which illuminates each alphabet sequentially until all the 7 alphabets are lit and then the whole display shuts off, the cycle continues permanently as long as the circuit is powered. Overview I have already discussed a similar concept explaining […]
3 High Power SG3525 Pure Sine wave Inverter Circuits
In this post I have explained a 3 powerful yet simple sine wave 12V inverter circuits using a single IC SG 3525. The first circuit is equipped with a low battery detection and cut off feature, and an automatic output voltage regulation feature. This circuit was requested by one of the interested readers of this […]