The IC LM386 is a 8-pin tiny power amplifier chip, specially made for operating under relatively low voltage parameters, yet provide considerable amplification. IC LM386 amplifier circuit becomes suitable for applying in small low power audio gadgets like in FM radios, door bells, telephones etc. Let’s begin the IC LM386 amplifier explanation by studying its absolute maximum ratings […]
Search Results for: 555
Make This 1KVA (1000 watts) Pure Sine Wave Inverter Circuit
A relatively simple 1000 watt pure sine wave inverter circuit is explained here using a signal amplifier and a power transformer. As can be seen in the first diagram below, the configuration is a simple mosfet based designed for amplifying current at +/-60 volts such that the connected transformer corresponds to generate the required 1kva […]
4 Simple Battery Desulfator Circuits Explored
In this article we investigate 4 simple yet powerful battery desulfator circuits, which can be used to effectively remove and prevent desulfation in lead acid batteries. The first method uses PWM pulses from a 555 PWM circuit, the second method implements an ordinary bridge rectifier for implementing a 100 Hz frequency based desulfation, the 3rd […]
Make this Solar Powered Fence Charger Circuit
A Fence charger or energizer is an equipment which is used for charging(electrifying) a fence or a boundary in order to protect the inside premise from human or animal interventions. Since these boundaries are mostly of large fields and parks, are normally away from the main cities, and powering them through some renewable option becomes […]
Automatic Inverter Output Voltage Correction Circuit
The common problem with many low cost inverters is their incapability of adjusting the output voltage with respect to the load conditions. With such inverters the output voltage tends to increase with lower loads and falls with increasing loads. The circuit ideas explained here can be added to any ordinary inverter for compensating and regulating […]
Making an Adjustable Electromagnet Circuit
This article describes a simple circuit which can be used for pulsing an electromagnet. The IC 555 once again becomes the central part of the circuit. I have explained the making procedure of this simple adjustable electromagnet circuit for varying the magnetic power of an electromagnet. Introduction The circuit was requested by Mr.Jason, one of […]