The proposed 40 watt electronic ballast is designed to illuminate any 40 watt fluorescent tube, with high efficiency, and optimal brightness. The PCB layout of the proposed electronic fluorescent ballast is also provided along with the torroid and the buffer choke winding details. Introduction Even the promising and the most talked about LED technology is […]
Search Results for: 555
Real Machine Gun Sound Effect Generator Circuit
Video Demonstration An impressive little machine gun sound effect generator circuit is discussed here. Once built can be integrated with any audio amplifier to experience a roaring bullet studded war like simulation. A small hobby project which can be tried by all electronic enthusiasts will generate interesting machine gun sound effect over the connected loudspeaker, […]
7 Easy Voltage Doubler Circuits Discussed
In this article I have explained 7 easy to build DC to DC voltage doubler circuits using a single IC 4049 and IC 555 along with a few other passive components. If you are wondering how a simple IC 555 can be used for making a powerful voltage doubler circuit, then this article will help […]
How to Illuminate 100 LEDs from 6 Volt Battery
In this article I have explained an innovative way of driving more than a hundred white LEDs from a 6 volt battery. The circuit utilizes the IC 555 for driving a step up transformer, whose output is finally used for illuminating the LEDs. A special PWM configuration makes the circuit much power efficient. Main Stages […]
A Homemade Fence Charger, Energizer Circuit
The electric fence charger circuit presented here is basically a high voltage pulse generator. The super high voltage is derived from a commonly used automobile ignition coil. An astable multivibrator is used to generate the required frequency to drive the ignition coil. Another astable is used to control the pulses supplied to the fence. Protecting […]
10 LED Simple Roulette Wheel Circuit Diagram
A very simple 10 LED roulette wheel circuit is shown here. pressing the button starts the LEDs in a rotational motion (sequencing) at full swing initially, and gradually slows down, until it stops to a particular, randomly selected LED. The randomness of the selection depends upon the time for which the push remains switched ON […]