IC 4049 is a CMOS hex inverting buffer IC that has six independent inverters or NOT gates. It is commonly used in various electronic circuits such as oscillators, timers, and voltage regulators. Here’s the datasheet for IC 4049: General Information: Electrical Characteristics: Pinout Configuration: The pinouts details for the IC 4049 is provided in the […]
Search Results for: IC 4049 circuits
Semiconductor Tester Circuit [LED, Transistor, SCR Tester]
The semiconductor tester circuit I have explained below performs continuity tests on SCRs, bipolar transistors, and diodes. How the Circuit Works A squarewave oscillator with a frequency of about 350 Hz is produced by a couple of IC 4049 gates, U1a along with U1b, R1, R2, and C1. The complementary outputs required for testing both NPN and […]
Morse Code Practice Oscillator Circuits
In this article we will explore 3 different Morse code practice oscillator circuits, for generating exact replication of Morse code signals in the form of dots and dashes. Contributed By: Anil Patil What is Morse Code Morse code is a legacy method of message encoding that uses rhythm and impulses to transmit telegraphic communication. Morse […]
Ultrasonic Motion Detector Circuit
This ultrasonic motion detector circuit project picks up movement of any object including human beings from a distance of 4 to 7 meters away. As soon as the motion is detected, the output of the circuit illuminates a red LED indicating the presence of an obstacle or an intruder. However, using supplemental circuit stages connected […]
12 Basic Digital Logic Circuits Explored
In the following paragraphs I will try to explain the most basic foundations of digital electronic circuits: namely logic gates and logic flip-flops. Whether it is a complex and larger digital circuits, or as simple as a BCD counter, for example the 7490, or a large-scale integration (LSI) microprocessor chip, eventually all of these comprise […]
7 Accurate Square Wave Oscillator Circuits
In this article I will comprehensively discuss 7 accurate RC square wave oscillator circuits with 50% duty cycle, by appropriately configuring the gates from various CMOS ICs such as 4001, 4011, 4093, 4046, 4047, 4016, 4060 etc. and also using op amps. Definition The square wave oscillators included in this article can be defined as […]