A vey basic yet reasonably efficient 1500W PWM based sinewwave inverter circuit can be studied under this post. The design utilizes very ordinary parts to accomplish a powerful SPWM type inverter circuit. Main Specifications Power Output: Adjustable from 500 watts to 1500 watts Output Voltage: 120V or 220V as per the transformer specs Output Frequency: […]
Search Results for: MOSFET
Understanding Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors with Diagrams and Formulas
In this post I am going to explain pull-Up resistor and pull-down resistor, why they are commonly used in electronic circuits, what happens to electronic circuits without Pull-Up or Pull-down resistor, and How to calculate Pull-Up and Pull-down resistor values and finally we will see about open collector configuration. How Logic Inputs and Outputs Work […]
How Logic Gates Work
In this post I will comprehensively explain what logic gates are and its working. We will be taking a look at the basic definition, symbol, truth table, Multi input gates, we will be also constructing transistor based gate equivalents and finally we will take an overview on various relevant CMOS ICs. What are Logic Gates […]
How to Repair a Switch-Mode-Power-Supply (SMPS)
In this post we try to diagnose a burnt SMPS circuit and try to troubleshoot and repair the circuit. The shown unit is a cheap readymade Chinese make SMPS circuit. This article is written as per the request made by Mr. Kesava. My SMPS got Burnt The below attachment is 12v 1.3 amps SMPS for […]
3 Best Transformerless Inverter Circuits
As the name suggests, an inverter circuit that converts a DC input into AC without depending on an inductor or a transformer is called a transformerless inverter. Since an inductor based transformer is not employed, the input DC is normally equal to the peak value of the AC generated at the output of the inverter. […]
Buck Converter Circuit Using Arduino
In this project we are going to step down 12 V DC to any DC value between 2 and 11 V. The circuit which steps down the DC voltage is known as buck converter. The output voltage or step down voltage needed is controlled using a potentiometer connected to Arduino. By Ankit Negi INTRODUCTION TO […]