In this post I have explained an over voltage cut-off protection circuit in the form of automotive dump load for protecting sensitive and sophisticated modern automotive electronics from transient DC electrical spikes emanating in vehicle electrical. Transient bus voltages are a significant risk factor to integrated circuits. The maximum breakdown voltage that an integrated circuit […]
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Free Energy Generator Circuit – The N-Machine
When this free energy generator called the N-Machine was developed by the famous physicist Bruce DePalma he could implement a 100 kilowatt generator right in his garage with ordinary tools. His machine could power his entire house electrical completely free of cost, forever. But sadly he could never use it since making such device or […]
Darkness Triggered Car Safety Park Light Circuit
In this post I have explained a circuit concept for enabling cars with an add-on automatic safety park light which triggers during night and signals the position of the car and consequently prevents a mistaken collision or dashing by another vehicle. The design ensures minimum consumption and relatively higher brightness for the involved LED lights. […]
Wireless Mobile Phone Charger Circuit
A wireless mobile phone battery charger is a device that charges a compatible cellphone or mobile phone placed close to it, through high frequency wireless current transfer, without any physical contact. In this post I have explained how to build a wireless cellphone battery charger circuit for facilitating a cordless cellphone charging without employing a […]
Wireless Home Security Circuit – Solar Powered
In this article I have explained a remote controlled wireless home security circuit using which enables the detection of a possible intrusion way in advance depending on how and where the remote sensors are positioned over the selected strategic locations and the desired distance from the house. The idea was requested by Mr. Dave Monette. […]
3 Sound Activated Switch Circuits Explained
In this post I have explained 3 simple sound activated relay switch circuits which can used as a module for any system that might be assigned to trigger by detecting some kind of sound pressure level. Or simply applications such as a voice activated alarm security circuit. 1) Circuit Objective Utilizing this basic sound activated […]