The glittering LED flower circuit we are presenting here holds significant importance in our artistic city and offers no particular interest other than delighting your view with various multicolored and varied light effects. This luminous LED flower is also unique in its design, allowing ample room for everyone’s creative sense. The goal is to control […]
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Delay OFF Lamp Timer Circuit
This delay off lamp timer circuit will automatically switch OFF a connected lamp after a predetermined time has elapsed. This time delay can be adjusted with a variable resistor or a potentiometer. The circuit is initiated by pressing a push button, which causes the connected lamp to switch ON. The lamp will continue to remain […]
Simple Home Automation Circuits
In this article I have explained a few useful yet easy to build home automation circuits which will help the user to create automatic electronic systems at home. What is Home Automation Home automation basically means converting many of the manually operated home electrical devices into automatically operated devices, through electronics. Today’s real home automation […]
HX710B Air Pressure Sensor Datasheet, How to Connect
The HX710B Air Pressure Sensor Module monitors the air’s pressure in the range of 0 to 40 kilopascals (kPa) and turns it into an electrical impulse which microcontrollers or other electrical gadgets can interpret and read. It is a common and frequently utilized sensor in a wide range of applications that demand precise pressure sensing, […]
Medical Store LED Cross Sign Circuit [Plus Sign]
In this post I have explained how to make an interesting yet simple running LED cross sign or plus sign module for displaying in front of medical stores. Nowadays, it is very common to witness illuminated flashing, chasing LED cross signs in front of medical stores, which work like an advertisement board for attracting the […]
Inductor Working and Designing, with Formulas
In this post I have explained all the basics of inductors, its working principle, and how to design inductors with the help of formulas and calculations. Inductors are vastly used from mobile, laptop chargers to high-end communication equipment like mobile base stations to the satellites orbiting the earth. Let us take a deep dive into […]