The electric fence charger circuit presented here is basically a high voltage pulse generator. The super high voltage is derived from a commonly used automobile ignition coil. An astable multivibrator is used to generate the required frequency to drive the ignition coil. Another astable is used to control the pulses supplied to the fence. Protecting […]
Search Results for: battery+charger
Best Electronic Circuit Projects
Whether a newbie or a professional, if you are looking for the best electronic circuit projects, as per your specific needs, you have reached the right destination. Here, I will not only provide you with your favorite circuit projects, but also provide an active online support for solving all your queries and doubts related to […]
USB 5V To 24V DC to DC Boost Power Regulator Module
This is a USB 5V to 24V Adjustable Boost Converter Module and it helps us step up a lower voltage into a higher voltage which we can adjust as needed. Now let us go through everything in detail step by step. Inputs – Where We Give Power Now we got three ways to power this […]
I have compiled a complete list of categories on this website to help you quickly find and navigate the electronic circuits you’re looking for. Let’s get started. Arduino Projects for Engineers In this category I have introduced comprehensive Arduino circuit designs for EEE and BE students. These include detailed explanations, images, and online support, which […]
IC LM358 Datasheet and Specifications
In this post you will find the complete datasheet, pinout specifications of the IC LM358. This datasheet is written in simple language so that even the new hobbyists are able to grasp the technical details of the IC quickly. The IC LM358B offers two high-voltage (36V) amplifiers in a single chip making them cost-effective for […]
Insect Light Trap Circuit for Protecting Crops
This solar LED light trap circuit for insects can be used to attract insects at night and keep them engaged with the light source. This distraction created by the LED light will keep the insects from flying towards the crops and save the crops from these harmful pests. The circuit design was requested by Mr. […]