In this post, we are going to see how to use an accelerometer with arduino and extract useful readings, which will be printed on serial monitor of IDE. We will also be exploring how accelerometer works in a nutshell and its applications. How the Accelerometers Works Accelerometer is an electromechanical device, which is used to […]
Search Results for: led
Remote Controlled Solar Lamp Intensity Controller Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple remote controlled solar lamp intensity controller circuit which can be used for controlling the street lamp LED intensity without practically reaching for the LED box. The idea was requested by one of the dedicated members of this website Circuit Objectives and Requirements I have successful build this […]
10 LED Tachometer Circuit Diagram
In this post I have explained how an accurate 10 LED tachometer circuit can be built using ordinary parts like IC 555 and IC LM3915. The idea was requested by Mr. Munsif. What is a Tachometer A tachometer is a device which is used for measuring vehicle engine RPM. Thus, it is basically used for […]
Timer Controlled Submersible Pumpset Circuit
In this post I have explained a timer circuit for submersible borewell pumpset which alternately switches the pumpset ON/OFF at a predetermined rate in order to allow the ground water sufficient time to restore at regular intervals and to ensure a consistent water supply to the attached overhead tank. The idea was requested by Mr. […]
How to make a Remote Controlled Game Scoreboard Circuit
In this post I have explained how to build a simple remote controlled game scoreboard circuit with two digits for facilitating the user a hassle free changing of the digits remotely, during a game or a match. The idea was requested by Mr. Richard. Circuit Objectives and Requirements For our co-ed volleyball game we use […]
How to Make LED Air Pollution Meter Circuit with Arduino
In this project I will show how to construct an air pollution meter using MQ-135 sensor and arduino. The pollution level in the air is indicated by series of 12 LED. If higher the number of LEDs glows, the higher the pollution content in the air and vice versa. Overview This project can prove […]