In this post I have explained how to make a high power 100V to 220V H-bridge mains voltage stabilizer circuit using automatic PWM control. The idea was requested by Mr. Sajjad. Circuit Objectives and Requirements Secondary Features I like it to has an LCD to display parameters and a custom name,high voltage cut off, over […]
Search Results for: led
Illuminating an LED using Wireless Power Transmission
In this post I have explained how to illuminate an LED using wireless power transmission. Wireless Power Technology Wireless power is an emerging technology in this present world. But the stunning fact is that it’s a century old concept. This concept was emerged by Nikola Tesla. Charging batteries through wireless power is used in many […]
LED Timer Indicator Circuit for Board Games
In this article I have explained a simple LED indicator timer circuit which can be used with board games for indicating the elapsed time or the time consumed by the player to complete his or her turn. The idea was requested by Mr. Shane Robins. Technical Specifications Hope all is well with you. I am relatively new […]
LED Meteor Shower, Rain Tube Circuit
In this post I have explained how to design an intriguing LED light effect that generates a collapsing metor shower like appearance. The idea was requetsed by Mr.Pinto Mondal. Technical Specifications I am very grateful of your work. Sir I want to make a circuit,which available in the market like 1 or 1.5ft long led […]
12V LED Backpack Power Supply Circuit
In this article I have explained to make a simple 12v LED backpack power supply circuit for powering a 36watt LED lamp, which includes appropriately wired integrated sockets for enabling the attachment of external devices such as a regulated battery charger, ammeter, voltmeter etc. The idea was requested by Mr. Kevin Bates Backpack LED Charger/Driver […]
Rotating Beacon LED Simulator Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple LED flashing beacon circuit which exactly simulates a rotating police beacon light by generating alternating pulses of suddenly rising and fading illumination effect on the connected LED. The idea was requested by Mr. Ankit Agarwal Technical Specifications Can you advice on how to make the following circuit […]