The post comprehensively discusses the construction procedure of a 1 watt LED lamp using SMD LEDs such as 3528 smd LEDs or 2214 SMD LEDs. I have explained the details. 1 Watt LED vs 3528 smd LEDs or 2214 SMD LEDs Today 1 watt LEDs are very popular and these are utilized in most LED lamp […]
Search Results for: led
Simple RGB LED Color Mixer Circuit using LM317 IC
In this post I have explained a simple LM317 IC based RGB 3 watt LED color mixer circuit, which can be used for demonstrating the color mixing effects of red, blue, green colors as specified in the standard color charts. The idea was requested by Mr.Praveen. Technical Specifications My name is Pravin, I work in […]
Remote Controlled Trolley Circuit without Microcontroller
In this post I have explained how to make a cheap yet powerful remote controlled trolley which can be maneuvered left, right, forward and reverse as required, by the user using the given remote handset. The idea does not rely on an microcontroller circuit. In one of my previous posts I discussed about a simple […]
Remote Controlled Ceiling Fan Regulator Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple infrared controlled fan regulator or dimmer circuit using ordinary parts such as a 4017 IC and a 555 IC. Circuit Operation Referring to the shown remote controlled fan dimmer circuit, three main stages may be seen incorporated: the infrared signal sensor stage using the IC TSOP1738, the […]
LED Brake Light Circuit for Motorcycle and Car
In this post I have explained how to make and replace existing bulb type brake lights in vehicles with high efficiency LED lamps.The idea was requested by Mr. Awan. Technical Specifications I would like to build a brake lamp project using 1 watt high power leds, consisting of 12-15 leds. the leds would light on […]
How to Use Resistors with LED, Zener and Transistor
In this post I have explained how to use resistors while designing an electronic circuits using LEDs, zener diodes, or transistors. This article can be very useful for the new hobbyists who normally get confused with the resistor values to be used for a specific component and for the desired application. What is a Resistor […]