In this article we will comprehensively study a transistor relay driver circuit and learn how to design its configuration by calculating the parameters through formulas. Importance of Relay Relays are one of the most important components in electronic circuits. Especially in circuits where high power transfer or mains AC load switching is involved, relays play […]
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How to Save Electricity at Home – General Tips
Saving electricity will not only save you some bucks but also help in a social cause. A little awareness and alertness is all that is required for the purpose. A little contemplation will make you consider regarding the amount of electricity we waste everyday due to sheer negligence or ignorance. The article will perfectly explain […]
How to Manufacture Automobile Electronic Parts and Earn a Handsome Income
To set up an auto electrical manufacturing unit, it’s important to have a thorough knowledge regarding the various technicalities associated with the field. The article makes a comprehensive approach and explains all the issues related to the subject. Introduction We begin with the basic raw materials and man power required for the intended installations and […]
How to Make Any Light a Strobe Light Using Just Two Transistors
If you feel strobe lights very interesting but are disappointed by the fact that these wonderful light effects can be produced only through complex xenon tube then probably you are quite mistaken. It is very much possible to make any light a strobe light if you are equipped with a proper driving circuit capable of […]
How to Make a Bridge Rectifier
A bridge rectifier is an electronic network using 4 diodes which is used for converting an AC input to DC output. The process is called full wave rectification. Here I have explained the basic working principle of rectifier diodes such as a 1N4007 or a 1N5408, and also learn how to connect 1N4007 diodes to […]
How to Use Transistors
If you have understood correctly, how to use transistors in circuits, you might have already conquered half of electronics and its principles. In this post we make an effort in this direction. Introduction Transistors are 3 terminal semiconductor devices which is able to conduct relatively high power across their two terminals, in response to a […]