In this post I have explained how to build a homemade LED driver with dimmer and charger circuit for illuminating a 3D moon from a 5V USB source. The idea was requested by Mr. John Sweden. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I’ve been a visitor to your website for many years and wonder if I may […]
Search Results for: led
Joystick Controlled 2.4 GHz RC Car Using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a car robot which can be controlled using a joystick on 2.4 GHz wireless communication link. The proposed project is not only made as a RC car, but you can add your projects such as surveillance camera etc. on the car. Overview The project is divided […]
Password Controlled AC Mains ON/OFF Switch
In this post I will show how to construct a password based mains ON/OFF switch circuit, which can turn ON and OFF the AC mains supply, only when correct password is entered. This prevents the danger of electrocution of the technician who might be currently working with the high voltage lines and equipment. Password Protection […]
Mobile Phone Controlled Robot Car Using DTMF Module
In this project we are going to control a manual robot through our cellphone using DTMF module and Arduino. By: Ankit Negi, Kanishk Godiyal and Navneet Singh sajwan INTRODUCTION In this project two cell phones, one for calling and one for receiving the call are used. The phone receiving the call is connected to the robot […]
200, 600 LED String Circuit on Mains 220V
In this post I have explained the construction of a 200 to 600 LED circuit project, using series parallel LEDs for creating an alphabetical display sign board. The idea was requested by Mr. Mubarak Idris. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I need a blinking LED light that show”WELCOME TO” blink and then “COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING” base […]
110V, 14V, 5V SMPS Circuit – Detailed Diagrams with Illustrations
In this post I have explained how to apply the IC L6565 for making a compact multi purpose 110V, 14V, 5V SMPS circuit using minimum number of external components. Implementing quasi-resonant ZVS flyback The IC L6565 from ST Microelectronics is designed as a current-mode primary controller chip, to specifically suit quasi-resonant ZVS flyback converter applications. The […]