LM12 is a power operational amplifier integrated circuit (IC) developed by National Semiconductor (now owned by Texas Instruments). It is designed for use in high-power audio amplifiers, servo amplifiers, and other high-current applications. Here are the electrical specifications and technical datasheet of the LM12: Electrical Specifications: Technical Specifications: Overall, the LM12 is a high-performance power […]
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LM195/LM395 Power Transistors Explained [Enhanced Power Transistors with Full Internal Protections]
The LM195 and LM395 are both high efficiency power transistors that were initially manufactured by National Semiconductor Corporation, and later acquired by “Texas Instruments”. These special power transistors are intended to be used in high power switching applications, where low power dissipation and high current gain are critical parameters. These special power transistors are virtually […]
LM311 Datasheet, Circuit Applications
The LM311 is a versatile, fast voltage comparator with multiple capabilities. Its output stage is “open collector” and “open emitter,” allowing for various configurations. It can directly control relays and its output can be compatible with several logics, including TTL. Technical Specifications and Datasheet Here are some of the technical specifications of the LM311 comparator […]
Windshield Washer Fluid Indicator Circuit
In this article I have explained a permanent indicator of the windshield washer fluid level. Knowing that electronics do not mix well with liquids, instead of using a float gauge system, we have devised a completely different operating principle for you. The operation of our circuit is based on timing the duration of the motor’s […]
BT169 SCR Datasheet [200 V, 0.5 A SCR]
The BT169 is a thyristor or SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) that is commonly used for switching applications in low-power electronic circuits. It can be used for small signal, low current applications. Its size is very small just like a BJT. Here are the full technical specifications of the BT169: Electrical Specifications Pinout: The BT169 SCR […]
Best IC 4060 Circuits and Projects
The IC 4060 is a widely used integrated circuit in electronic circuits due to its capacity to operate as a timer, oscillator, and divider. It is the perfect option for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike due to its affordability and adaptability. There are many IC 4060 circuit projects that can be built, ranging from simple […]