In this design a solenoid is operated using an IR remote control, which in turn toggles the fish feeder mechanism. In this article I have explained how to make a simple infrared controlled fish feeder circuit. The idea was requested by Mr. Harishvar. Technical Specifications I just want a circuit which should turn on when […]
Search Results for: motor
Make this Simple Washing Machine System
In this post I have explained how to make a simple washing machine using a single motor and a cam shaft mechanism, cheaply. The Concept Washing machines are costly devices which may not be affordable for a section of the population and also to villagers who even might not have an easy access to these […]
How to Identify Component Specifications in Schematics
In this post I have explained the correct way of understanding and identifying component specifications in a given circuit schematics, even if the details are missing in the document or the schematic. Schematics without Part Specifications When a new hobbyist searches for a particular electronic circuit of his choice, the internet provides him with a […]
3 Stage Timer Circuit for Industrial Camshaft
In this post I have explained a simple sequential timer designed for implementing a specified set of actions involving a 3 step relay activation which in turn is used for executing the desired mechanisms. The idea was requested by Mr. Ali. Technical Specifications I look at your site occasionally and this time round I am […]
Cheap Cellphone Controlled Water Pump for Farmers
The post presents a cheap cellphone remote controlled water pump circuit which allows farmers (user) to switch ON their field water pump without practically visiting the spot, thus saving precious time and energy for the individual. The idea was requested by one of the dedicated members of this blog. Inexpensive Cellphone Water Pump Starter This […]
Detecting Static Human with PIR
In this post I have explained a method which can be probably used for enhancing a passive infrared sensor ability to detect even a static or stationery human presence. This feature is normally not possible with the conventional PIR sensors. How PIR Detect Human Presence I have already discussed many PIR based motion detector applications […]