A simple, cheap yet highly effective infrared remote control safe lock circuit can be studied in the following post. Using IC LM567 The LM567 IC is one of my favorites simply because it’s too versatile, and becomes applicable in most of the crucial circuit concepts through hassle free configurations. One such crucial yet simple IR […]
Search Results for: motor
Temperature Triggered DC Fan Speed Controller
This fan speed controller works by sensing the temperature of the engine and is accordingly used for the triggering. As the temperature increases so does the speed of the fan motor and vice versa. Circuit Operation Operation of the proposed temperature controlled fan may be understood as follows: The speed of the DC motor alters […]
How to Make a Barcode Security Lock Circuit
A simple barcode security lock circuit or barcode scanner circuit is explained in the following article using just a handful of ordinary components such as an op amp, an LDR and an laser light. We all have seen and are familiar with these arrays of thick and thin lines which can be seen printed on […]
Oil Burner Button Start Ignition Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple automatic ignition for an oil burner system system which is initiated with a push button operation. The idea was requested by Mr. Andreas. Technical Specifications I have a request and i wonder if its possible for someone to find a simple circuit about oil burner controller. I’m […]
How to Make a 3 Phase VFD Circuit
The presented 3 phase VFD circuit (designed by me) can be used for controlling the speed of any three phase brushed AC motor or even a brushless AC motor. The idea was requested by Mr. Tom Using the VFD The proposed 3-phase VFD circuit can be universally applied for most 3-phase AC motors where the […]
Pedal Speed Controller Circuit for Electric Vehicles
In this part of the article I have explained about an innovative method of converting pedal press mechanism in electric vehicles into a correspondingly varying electrical signal, which may be further used for processing the speed control of the vehicle. The explained concept will work like an electronic accelerator, which will increase the vehicle speed […]