The presented circuit of a musical greeting card circuit was requested by one of the keen readers of this blog, so I designed this interesting little circuit, which is simple and easily gets embedded inside any standard greeting card fold. Looking at the given circuit diagram, we see a design consisting of a very few number of components, rigged […]
Search Results for: power supply
Designing a Grid-Tie Inverter Circuit
A grid tie inverter works quite like a conventional inverter, however the power output from such inverter is fed and tied with the AC mains from the utility grid supply. As long as the mains AC supply is present, the inverter contributes its power to the existing grid mains supply, and stops the process when […]
Rain Triggered Instant Start Windshield Wiper Timer Circuit
The following circuit was requested by one of the readers of this blog Mr. Keval. The actual request was for a rain triggered windshield wiper circuit, but the idea here has been further enhanced with a quick start feature for better efficiency. How Conventional Wiper Systems Work Normally, electronic wiper control circuit involve a bistable for switching the […]
2 Easy Automatic Inverter/Mains AC Changeover Circuits
I have been put forth with this question many times in this blog, how do we add a changeover selector switch for automatically toggling of an inverter when AC mains is present and vice versa. And also the system must enable automatic switching of the battery charger such that when AC mains is present the […]
How to Generate Pure Oxygen and Hydrogen at Home
In this article I have explained a simple method through which large amounts of oxygen and hydrogen could be generated at home using an ordinary electrical setup, and very cheaply. Before I have explained the actual process, it would be important to read the following points related to the experiment: Warning: The simple concept of […]
In this post I have explained the datasheet of the IC TDA7560 which is a cutting-edge BCD (Bipolar / CMOS / DMOS) technology class AB 4 x 45 quad Audio Power Amplifier in Flexiwatt 25 package made for super high power car radio. The thoroughly interdependent P-Channel/N-Channel output composition makes it possible for a rail to rail […]