In this post we study a LED driver circuit specially designed for backlighting LCD screens applications, Introductionlet’ learn more about this interesting device. Introduction Today LCD products have become very common and a part of our everyday life. Whether it’s your cell phone, DVD player, TV set, car, all incorporate LCD screens for indicating or […]
Search Results for: power supply
Single Transistor Radio Receiver Circuit
This is probably the simplest radio receiver circuit that one could ever imagine of making. The circuit is so simple that it could be finished assembling within a few minutes and you are already listening your favorite programs over it. Introduction What are the fundamental criteria associated with radio reception? An antenna stage, a band […]
Simple Water Level Indicator Circuits (with Images)
A water level indicator is an electronic circuit which indicates the various levels of water inside a tank. This happens when rising or dropping water levels come in contact with the respective water sensors arranged step wise inside the water tank at different depths. In this post I have explained 2 interesting ways to make […]
2 Best Long Duration Timer Circuits Explained
In this post I have explained how to make 2 accurate long duration timer circuits ranging from 4 hours to 40 hours, which can be upgraded further for getting even longer delays. The concepts are fully adjustable. A timer in electronics is essentially a device which is used for producing time delay intervals for switching […]
Cheap Semi Automatic, Tank Water Over Flow Controller Circuit
The circuit presented here monitors the level of the water rising inside a tank and automatically switches OFF the pump motor as soon as the water level reaches the brim of the tank. The proposed tank water overflow controller circuit is a semi automatic device because it can only sense an overfill and switch OFF […]
Timer based Water Level Controller Circuit
The explained circuit of a water level controller circuit is based on a adjustable timer circuit whose time delay is first adjusted to match the filling time of the tank, as the the tank fills, the timer delay also simultaneously lapses and its output switches OFF the water pump. Circuit Specifications Actually the circuit was […]