Wireless power transfer is a process in which electrical energy is transferred from one system to another system through electromagnetic waves without using wires or any physical contact. In this post I have explained regarding how wireless power transfer works or the transfer of electricity through air without using wires. You might have already come […]
Search Results for: power+supply
Wireless Home Security Circuit – Solar Powered
In this article I have explained a remote controlled wireless home security circuit using which enables the detection of a possible intrusion way in advance depending on how and where the remote sensors are positioned over the selected strategic locations and the desired distance from the house. The idea was requested by Mr. Dave Monette. […]
Music Power Level Indicator Circuit using IC LM3915
In this post I have explained a LED music power level indicator for indicating a subwoofer bass power range, which can be also modified as an effective dancing Electroluminescent Wire light show. The idea was requested by Mr. David. Technical Specifications Here’s an idea or suggestion for your projects or what ever lol My son […]
PWM Motor Soft Start Circuit to Prevent High Consumption during Power Switch ON
In this post I have explained an effective PWM motor soft start circuit which can be used for enabling heavy motors with a soft start and thus prevent the equipment from drawing dangerous high currents. Why a Soft Start High wattage motors such pump motors or other forms of heavy industrial motors tend to draw […]
Power Interruption Alarm Circuit for Instant Power Failure Indications
This power interruption alarm circuit will alert you whenever there’s a power failure or an interruption in the mains. In some special conditions it becomes imperative to know whether the mains that powers some important system or circuit is absent. By: Manisha Patel How the power failure alarm works This proposed circuit is connected to […]
How to Make a Powerful RF Signal Jammer Circuit
The post describes a simple homemade RF signal jammer circuit that can be used for jamming any RF signal within a radial range of 10 meters. The idea was requested by one of the interested readers of this blog. Technical Specifications I am not a large business interest, but am in need of a circuit […]