We all are pretty familiar with the 78XX voltage regulator ICs or the adjustable types such as LM317, LM338 etc. Though these regulators are outstanding with their specified functioning and reliability, these regulators have one big disadvantage…. they won’t control anything above 35V. Circuit Operation The circuit presented in the following article introduces a DC […]
Search Results for: power+supply
Surge Protected Cheap Transformerless Hi-Watt LED Driver Circuit
The increased number of complaints from the readers regarding burning LEDs associated with my earlier posted transformerless 1 watt LED driver circuit, compelled me to solve the issue once for all. The power supply section of the circuit discussed here remains exactly identical to the previous configuration, except the inclusion of the “switch ON delay […]
Rain Triggered Instant Start Windshield Wiper Timer Circuit
The following circuit was requested by one of the readers of this blog Mr. Keval. The actual request was for a rain triggered windshield wiper circuit, but the idea here has been further enhanced with a quick start feature for better efficiency. How Conventional Wiper Systems Work Normally, electronic wiper control circuit involve a bistable for switching the […]
Simple PIR LED Lamp Circuit
The following PIR LED lamp circuit was designed by me for one of the followers of this blog Mr.Deepak upon his request. The circuit is a LED driver which responds to ambient light as well as to the presence of a human, person or intruder, and varies its illumination accordingly, let’s know more. Technical Specifications “I was looking to […]
2 Cool 50 Watt Inverter Circuits for Students and Hobbyists
A 50 watt inverter circuit might look quite trivial, but it can serve some useful purposes to you. When outdoors, this small power house can be used for operating small electronic gadgets, soldering iron, table top radios, incandescent lights, fans etc. Let’s learn 2 homemade 50 watt inverter circuit designs, beginning with a brief description […]
2 Easy Automatic Inverter/Mains AC Changeover Circuits
I have been put forth with this question many times in this blog, how do we add a changeover selector switch for automatically toggling of an inverter when AC mains is present and vice versa. And also the system must enable automatic switching of the battery charger such that when AC mains is present the […]