Here I have explained four best electronic thermometer circuits which can be universally used for measuring body temperatures or atmospheric room temperatures ranging from zero degrees to 50 degrees Celsius. In the previous post I explained some of the features of the outstanding temperature sensor chip LM35, which gives outputs in varying voltages that’s directly […]
Search Results for: power+supply
How to Make a LED Flashlight Circuit
White LEDs have become so common nowadays that even school kids today know how to use them for making simple LED projects. LEDs are typically used for illuminating purposes, the discussed circuit is also intended for similar applications. The post talks about how to wire LEDs and battery to make a simple DIY LED flashlight. […]
Make this LED Driver Circuit for Backlighting Small LCD Screens
In this post we study a LED driver circuit specially designed for backlighting LCD screens applications, Introductionlet’ learn more about this interesting device. Introduction Today LCD products have become very common and a part of our everyday life. Whether it’s your cell phone, DVD player, TV set, car, all incorporate LCD screens for indicating or […]
Single Transistor Radio Receiver Circuit
This is probably the simplest radio receiver circuit that one could ever imagine of making. The circuit is so simple that it could be finished assembling within a few minutes and you are already listening your favorite programs over it. Introduction What are the fundamental criteria associated with radio reception? An antenna stage, a band […]
3 Useful Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuits Explored
In this post I have explained the construction of 3 simple electronic high frequency mosquito repellent circuits, which are specially designed to drive away mosquitoes through their tuned high frequency pulses. Design#1: Using a Single CMOS IC Mosquitoes are definitely a nuisance for your summer nights, especially when humidity prevails. Electronic mosquito repellent techniques can […]
Simple Delay Timer Circuits Explained
In this post I have explained the making of simple delay timers using very ordinary components like transistors, capacitors and diodes. All these circuits will produce delay ON or delay OFF time intervals at the output for a predetermined period, from a few seconds to many minutes. All the designs are fully adjustable. Importance of […]