In this post I will elaborately explain how to build a simple LM317 based adjustable power supply circuit using minimum number of external components. As the name suggests a variable power supply circuit provides the user with a range of linearly varying output voltages through a manually controlled potentiometer rotation. A LM317 is a versatile […]
Search Results for: power+supply
How to Calculate Transformerless Power Supply Circuits
In this article I have explained how to calculate resistor and capacitor values in transformerless power supply circuits using simple formulas like ohms law. Analyzing a Capactive Power Supply Before I have explained the formula for calculating and optimizing resistor and capacitor values in a transformerless power supply, it would be important to first summarize […]
Designing a Power Factor Correction (PFC) Circuit Using UC3854 – Key Considerations
The IC UC3854, what it does is, it helps in active power factor correction, right? Now normally, if we don’t correct the power factor, then power system will pull current from the AC mains in a way that’s not a nice sine wave but rather distorted. This IC takes care of all the control stuff […]
5 Useful Power Failure Indicator Circuits Explained
In this post I have explained 5 useful power supply failure indicator circuits which can be used to get an instant indication regarding an input power failure situation. This post includes the following 5 types power failure indicator circuits: Main Function The main function of the proposed power failure indicator circuits is to alert or […]
100 Watt Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram using a Single IC TDA7294
Building a power hi-fi amplifier with MOS transistors requires the implementation of a relatively large number of components because, at the level of power stages, the connection between the bipolar transistors that make up the input stages and the MOS transistors of the output stages is far from simple. Fortunately, there is an elegant solution […]
75 Watt Power Amplifier Circuit
Our power amplifier only uses a handful of widely available and inexpensive components. Despite this, it can deliver an effective power output of 50 W into an 8 ohm load or 75 W into a 4 ohm load. If distortion is below 0.3% at these maximum power levels, it drops to less than 0.01% from […]