In this post I have explained how an effective and efficient, yet very cheap, and stabilized bench power supply can be designed by any electronic hobbyist for safely testing all types electronic projects and prototypes. The main features that a bench power supply must have are: General Description The majority of the power supply designs […]
Search Results for: power+supply
Soft-Start Power Supply for Amplifier Loudspeakers
The proposed slow-start power supply circuit is specially designed for power amplifiers to ensure that the loudspeaker connected with the amplifier do not generate the loud and unwanted “thump” sound during power switch ON. This also implies that the power supply will safeguard or protect the loudspeaker from the sudden inrush current transient from the […]
Adjustable Switching Power Supply Circuit – 50 V, 2.5 Amps
The explained variable switching power supply circuit is designed around the integrated switch mode power supply controller device Type L4960 from SGS. The main features of this switching regulator can be summarized from the following data: Main Features Input voltage range: 9-50 VDC Output voltage variable from 5 to 40 V. Maximum accessible output current […]
Laboratory Power Supply Circuit
Although a variety of laboratory power supplies have appeared in recent times, only handful of these will provide you with the efficiency, versatility, and low cost of the design detailed in this article. In this article I have explained a highly regulated, DIY, laboratory grade power supply with dual 0-50 volt. The voltage and current […]
How to Repair a Switch-Mode-Power-Supply (SMPS)
In this post we try to diagnose a burnt SMPS circuit and try to troubleshoot and repair the circuit. The shown unit is a cheap readymade Chinese make SMPS circuit. This article is written as per the request made by Mr. Kesava. My SMPS got Burnt The below attachment is 12v 1.3 amps SMPS for […]
Over Current Cut-off Power Supply Using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a battery eliminator / DC variable power supply which will automatically cut-off the supply, if the current flow through the load exceeds the preset threshold level. By Girish Radhakrishanan Main Technical Features The proposed over current cut-off power supply circuit using Arduino has 16 X 2 LCD […]