The post comprehensively discusses the construction procedure of a 1 watt LED lamp using SMD LEDs such as 3528 smd LEDs or 2214 SMD LEDs. I have explained the details. 1 Watt LED vs 3528 smd LEDs or 2214 SMD LEDs Today 1 watt LEDs are very popular and these are utilized in most LED lamp […]
Search Results for: smps
PWM Solar Battery Charger Circuit
This simple, enhanced, 5V zero drop PWM solar battery charger circuit can be used in conjunction with any solar panel for charging cellphones or cell phone batteries in multiple numbers quickly, basically the circuit is capable of charging any battery whether Li-ion or Lead acid which may be within the 5V range. Using TL494 for […]
Simple RGB LED Color Mixer Circuit using LM317 IC
In this post I have explained a simple LM317 IC based RGB 3 watt LED color mixer circuit, which can be used for demonstrating the color mixing effects of red, blue, green colors as specified in the standard color charts. The idea was requested by Mr.Praveen. Technical Specifications My name is Pravin, I work in […]
What’s PWM, How to Measure it
PWM stands for pulse width modulation which signifies the variable nature of the pulse widths that may be generated from a particular source such as a discrete IC, MCU, or a transistorized circuit. What’s PWM In simple terms a PWM process is nothing but switching ON and OFF a supply voltage at a particular rate […]
How to Make Ultrasonic Remote Control Circuit
This ultrasonic remote control circuit can be used to switch and control any appliance ON/OFF through a relay in the receiver circuit. Written by: S.S. Kopparthy Using Ultrasonic Waves This circuit is a different one that uses ultrasonic sound waves whose frequency ranges from 40 KHz to 50 KHz. These waves can’t be heard by […]
Laptop Charger Circuit from 12V Battery
In this post I have explained a simple car laptop charger circuit for charging laptops from a 12V car battery using a IC 555 based boost converter. The idea was requested by one of the avid readers of this blog. Making a 12V to 19V Converter May I request you for a circuit diagram for […]