In this post I have elaborately explained how to build simple transformerless LED bulb circuits using many LEDs in series and powering them through current controlled capacitive power supply circuit. Warning: Circuits I have explained below are not isolated from mains AC, and therefore are extremely dangerous to touch in the powered and open condition. […]
Search Results for: smps
Designing Simple Power Supply Circuits
In this post I have explained how to design and build a simple power supply circuit right from the basic design to the reasonably sophisticated power supply having extended features. Power Supply is Indispensable Whether it’s an electronic noob or an expert engineer, all require this indispensable piece of equipment called the power supply unit. This is because no electronics […]
How to Make a 220V to 110V Converter Circuit
In this post we will unravel a few homemade crude 220V to 110V converter circuits options which will enable to user the user use it for operating small gadgets with a different voltage specs. UPDATE: An SMPS circuit is the recommended option for building this converter, so for an SMPS 220V to 110V converter design […]
5 Easy 1 Watt LED Driver Circuits
In this post I have explained about a few easy to build, compact 1 watt LED bulb circuits. The first circuit is SMPS based, the second design uses a capacitive power supply, while the remaining concepts show how to used a DC source to illuminate a 1 watt LED. Warning: Many of the circuits I […]
6 Useful DC Cell phone Charger Circuits Explained
A DC cell phone or mobile phone charger is a device which charges a cellphone from an available DC supply source. The device converts the unregulated DC source into a constant current and constant voltage output which becomes safe for any mobile phone charging. In this article I have explained how to build DC to […]
High Voltage Transistors BUX 86 and BUX 87 – Specifications
In this article we are going to make an effort to understand the technical specs of the BJTs BUX86 and BUX87 which are high voltage complementary paired transistors. Introduction The Bux 86 and BUX 87 are typically high voltage switching transistors with silicon epibase. They come in TO-126 package and are NPN types. These devices […]