Mini black and white cameras are now available at a low cost. The proposed experimental setup allows wireless transmission of images from a CCD camera module. The entire system is completely autonomous, and numerous applications can be considered: video doorbell, monitoring of a child’s room, onboard video system, aerial photography (modeling), etc. The transmission is […]
Search Results for: transmitter
Tracking Transmitter Circuit
When searching for an object, our initial instinct is to rely on our vision. However, the Tracking Transmitter circuit featured in this article offers an alternative by utilizing sound. The Tracking Transmitter emits a sequence of brief, modulated tones that can be detected by most FM receivers as a distinct beep. By: Ronit Roy Basically […]
Telephone Transmitter Circuit
In this post I have explained how a landline telephone can be rigged up wirelessly with a small transmitter circuit, enabling easy tapping of the telephone, by transmitting the conversations to a distant FM radio appropriately set up for the listening. Circuit Description The circuit diagram for the Telephone Transmitter can be witnessed in the […]
Transmitter Receiver Circuit for 80-meter Ham Radio
This tiny and simple transmitter, receiver set will allow you to communicate over 100 of miles across the world, by tuning to 80-meter amateur ham radio stations. What is 80-meter Band The 80-meter uses 3.5 MHz frequency band for radio communications, which gets the permissions under amateur radio use Between 3.5 to 4.0 MHz in […]
2 Meter Ham Radio Transmitter Circuit
In this post I have explained the complete building procedure of a 2-meter amateur ham radio transmitter circuit, using ordinary electronic components and ordinary test equipment. What is 2-Meter VHF Radio The 2-meter amateur radio band is a section of the VHF radio spectrum, which includes frequencies ranging from 144 MHz to 148 MHz in […]
Fiber Optic Circuit – Transmitter and Receiver
Electronic signals have been quite successfully sent for decades through standard “hard -wire” connections, or by using radio links of different kinds which had many disadvantages. On the other hand fiber optic links, whether used for audio or video links over long ranges, or to handle small distances, have been offering some distinct advantages compared […]