This ultrasonic remote control circuit can be used to switch and control any appliance ON/OFF through a relay in the receiver circuit. Written by: S.S. Kopparthy Using Ultrasonic Waves This circuit is a different one that uses ultrasonic sound waves whose frequency ranges from 40 KHz to 50 KHz. These waves can’t be heard by […]
Search Results for: transmitter
Remote Controlled Ceiling Fan Regulator Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple infrared controlled fan regulator or dimmer circuit using ordinary parts such as a 4017 IC and a 555 IC. Circuit Operation Referring to the shown remote controlled fan dimmer circuit, three main stages may be seen incorporated: the infrared signal sensor stage using the IC TSOP1738, the […]
Infrared Remote Controlled Door Lock Circuit
In this article I have explained about a simple infrared remote controlled door lock circuit which can be used for securely locking doors through unique foolproof IR frequencies. The proposed infrared remote controlled door lock circuit can be used for locking your main door, gate, garage door, shop or any entrance which may need a […]
Infrared Remote Control Safe Lock Circuit
A simple, cheap yet highly effective infrared remote control safe lock circuit can be studied in the following post. Using IC LM567 The LM567 IC is one of my favorites simply because it’s too versatile, and becomes applicable in most of the crucial circuit concepts through hassle free configurations. One such crucial yet simple IR […]
Tuned Infrared (IR) Detector Circuit
The article is a continuation of the earlier post where we tried to find a solution for creating unique infrared IDs for trains in a model locomotive system. Here I have explained the application in detail and learn how it may be possible to successfully implement the idea using tuned IR detector circuits. The idea […]
Model Locomotive Infrared Controller Circuit
In this article I have explained a model locomotive controller circuit using uniquely set IR beams for different locomotives allowing unique identification signals and controls for the engines. The idea was requested by Mr. Henrik. Technical Specifications Thank you very much for all your circuits / schematics. I will for sure build many of them. […]