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Simplest One Transistor Regulated Power Supply Circuit

In this article I have explained a simple variable regulated voltage power supply circuit which utilizes just a single transistor. The design can be very handy for the new electronic hobbyist

Main Features

The explained power supply includes an adjustable voltage feature which is an essential feature for every electronic enthusiast. However making one such power supply within minutes using a handful of components might look difficult.

The circuit of a simple variable voltage power supply using just a single transistor referred here shows us how to build one such unit quickly using common parts from your junk box.

This single BJT regulated Power Supply is easy to construct. It takes less than an hour on a piece of copper-laminate.

All the components can be mounted as show in the aforesaid diagram, cutting the strips for placement.

Moreover the board also acts as a heat-sink. Enamelled wires are used to connect the components and the transistor gets bolted to the board, acting as a cooling agent.

Circuit Operation

The circuit is designed for use with old C," "D", and even lantern batteries. That’s the reason for no diodes or electrolytic. Get some old batteries and connect together to receive 12v – 14v, at least.

The power for this output is controlled by a 10v zener, made by following the characteristic of zener voltage of 8.2v in between the base-emitter leads of a BC547 transistor, in a reversed bias, and 1.7v approx. across one Red LED. The circuit is designed to deliver 0v-9v at 500mA.

However the deliverance depends upon the life of the cells being used. The 10k pot works to adjust the output voltage and thereby the LED circuit goes in ON state.

A good part is that the circuit is well designed to fetch the last leg of energy from old cells.

Submitted By: Dhrubajyoti Biswas

Circuit Diagram

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