In this post I have explained how to run or blink three LEDs in sequence using Arduino. The post was written and submitted by: Jack Franko

/* make RGB LEDs to blink in series one by one at interval
of 1000MS */ int R = 12;int G = 11;int B = 10;
void setup(){ pinMode
(R,OUTPUT); pinMode
(G,OUTPUT); pinMode
void loop(){ digitalWrite
(R,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(R,LOW); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(G,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(G,LOW); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,LOW); delay (1000);}
Today, We are going
to learn to turn on and off 3 LEDs (RED, GREEN, BLUE) one by one at the interval of
1000MS that is one second.
int R = 12;int G = 11;int B = 10;
as we are aware of integer statement we had learned before ,
today we will use integer R,G & B which will be set on arduino pin no 12, 11 and 10 respectively.
We are using R,G and B for led colors to set on and off it confidentially to make less complicated and easy to understand what we are doing.
After setting all integers as shown in program above, we will set the main program part which is void setup stated as below
void setup(){ pinMode
(R,OUTPUT); pinMode
(G,OUTPUT); pinMode
here we are stating the pine mode as output with previously set integer ie. R for pin no 12, G for pin no 11 & B for pin no 10. After stating arduino pin with pinmode as output with integer tis time to set our loop for all pins to work with. Here 2nd main function is void loop as stated below.
void loop(){ digitalWrite
(R,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(R,LOW); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(G,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(G,LOW); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,LOW); delay (1000);
} Here in statement of loop we are telling arduino to work with pin no 12 which is stated as R in integer and output in void setup. We will tell arduino to set pin no 12 at position “high” which means “ON” and wait for one second which 1000MS in arithmetical language with the help of function “delay” . script stated below will set led to on position and it will wait for 1 second but Arduino will not understand that what to do after waiting for 1 second, this will leads to stay led in on position for long.
(R,HIGH); delay (1000);
so after one second we must tell arduino to set pin no” 12” ie” R” to position” low” which is “OFF”.
the statement stated above will set the led off . If we dint comment to wait for 1 second Arduino will continue to read the loop and turn the LED to “ON” position frequently .so at this stage we have to comment and state the delay function to tell Arduino that after pin no 12 in “ OFF” wait for 1 second which 1000MS.
delay (1000);
this is a complete loop for pin no 12 which we had stated for RED LED. This will result to put ON the led and wait for 1 second and OFF the LED and wait for 1 Second. After this we have to set the same loop for GREEN and BLUE LED which is as follows.
(G,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(G,LOW); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,HIGH); delay (1000); digitalWrite
(B,LOW); delay (1000);
this program will set three LEDs R, G & B to turn “ON” and “OFF” respectively for long time. Her you can program more then 3 LEDs also to turn on and off as you wish. This tutorials are for Newbees to understand the program and to play with Arduino.
Hi Swagatam,
Im a newbee on Arduino but willing to learn basics. What type of Arduino kit will i use? For the blinking 3 LED’s.
Hi Axel, you can use an Arduino UNO board. For more information on Arduino basics, you can refer to the following post:
Hi Swagatam,
I am in need of some help.
How would you build a circuit to have 3 three LEDs blink in sequence? Could you describe what the actual circuit layout would look like? I am using the NI Elvis Platform.
Thank you,
Hi Sammy,
By “blinking” do you mean the LEDs should “chase” or “run” in sequence?
I mean that as soon as one turns on it turns off and then the next light turns on and then off and so on. I’m not sure what the proper terminology for that is.
OK you can try the first circuit from this post, with one modification.
Disconnect IC 4017 IC pin15 from ground and connect it with its pin7